Publish date: 6 December 2022
Changes are being made to the aged care sector.
Aged Care providers’ response to the pandemic, along with new legislation and reforms introduced as a result of the Royal Commission into Aged Care, has meant the sector has had a need to recover from the impacts of COVID-19 and re-set to meet the Aged Care reforms being introduced.
At the same time, we need to continuously adapt and improve our operations to maintain Bethanie’s mission of delivering the highest-quality service to our customers.
One of the Royal Commission’s recommendations was around reform to the way the Federal Government provides funding to aged care providers.
Until now, the Federal Government’s funding model was based on the Aged Care Funding Instrument (ACFI), which providers used to claim the residential care subsidy for each resident who resides permanently in their care.
From October 2022, this model will be replaced by the Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) funding system.
AN-ACC provides more equitable care funding to providers that better match residents’ needs with the costs of delivering care.
The new AN-ACC model will require Bethanie to review how we continue to provide our services in line with Aged Care Quality Standards and our Mission.