2024 Annual Report
2024 Financial Year was a transformative year for Bethanie, reinforcing a strong foundation for a sustainable future to deliver care and services that meet the changing needs of older Australians.

Reconciliation Action Plan
Bethanie is e x cited to announce the launch of our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) .
This document represents more than just a policy for Bethanie ; i t is our public commitment to continually em bed cultural safety into our practices, policies, and services . It also demonstrates our ongoing dedication to providing person-centred care that values inclusion, respect, and diversity.
We encourage all staff, residents, and community members to actively participate in this collective journey. Together , we can honour the voices of First Nations clients and communities and contribute to a more unified and equitable society.

Bethanie Modern Slavery Statement
Bethanie is proud to release its second Modern Slavery Statement. Bethanie’s values support an environment that protects human rights, encourages development, and supports improvement.
The emphasis on Modern Slavery prevention is aligned with Bethanie’s ethos, meaning prevention of Modern Slavery is naturally important to us.